24 January 2012

.: The power of imagination ! :.

Assalamualaikum ! 

Pagipagi nie dah mula mengelamun macammacam. Bila ingat benda yang berlaku semalam, stress balik. Huh ! Tapi suma tu dah lepas.. Mintakmintak la tak jadi. So, apa lagi pegi pantai berimaginasi sorangsorang... lupa dah suma stress tue... That's the power of imagination kan..

Lagi satu, bila pergi pantai nie we can enjoy clean,fresh air in the great outdoors. Betul tak?? tutup mata, tarik nafas dalamdalam dan forget all ! Talking to someone who listen our problems also a way to reduce stress. Although it’s not always realistic to have a pal close by to lean on, building and maintaining a friendship network is ultimately good for your mental health. okay ! that's what I do ! =)

Okay then, kalau rasa stresssssss tue pergi la pantai... hehehe... Bubye ! 

Thank you for reading this entry :)


Pendamba Mawar said...

eceee cam puteri lari dari istana..g pntai.haha..:) perkara da berlalu.:) senyum ok!..:)

Hun_eyes said...

@PM - Hohoho ! Puteri lah sangat ! yup btw thanx keyh?? hehehe :)


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